On the Mic Picks: Nina Gilligan - On The Mic

On the Mic Picks: Nina Gilligan

Day 36 of 100 shows in a 100 days.

On the Mic is counting down to the 02 August – the launch of the 2024 Edinburgh Festival Fringe. 100 shows in a 100 days.


The show…

Nina Gilligan: Goldfish

The blurb…

“She explores both the silly and the scary sides of health anxiety and memory loss. The things she can’t remember, the memory short cuts and unexpected benefits, before delivering the gut punch of a thing she can’t forget, but wants to share about sexual harassment within the comedy industry.”

What we say…

Nina is sometimes outrageous, always hilarious with a charming, loveable persona and an acerbic wit. An authentic working-class voice, it takes someone with Nina’s skillset to address such important issues, in a show that should change the way comedy works.

Nina’s Profile and Social Media HERE

Where and when and how much is it? – visit the Edinburgh Fringe Website HERE

On the Mic Picks – 100 shows in a 100 days. We’re counting down to the 02 August 2024 and the start of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

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