John Meagher: Big Year - On The Mic

John Meagher: Big Year ★★★★

This Review is from August 2024

John Meager was born on a small island off the West Coast of Ireland but grew up on a working class Northern Irish housing estate. Being raised a Catholic in a 1980s warzone, the comedian recounts the survival lessons his dad taught him – how to handle people pointing guns at you, how to cope when your school gets bombed, how to endure an interrogation without giving anything away, and the importance of saying nothing.

These tactics were invaluable for surviving on a troubled island, but less useful when he moved to a country at peace. How does John adjust? What follows, is a love story.

Jenna was raised in Bahrain by a Geordie mother and an Arab father. She attended the best schools and enjoyed expensive dinner parties. John grew up working class, Jenna had a maid. John’s school was bombed, Jenna schooled with Lords and Ladies. John is Catholic, Jenna is Muslim. Somehow, John and Jenna fall for eachother.

This is a very funny show about the complexities of interpersonal relationships and the importance of empathy and understanding. It’s about the nonsense our parents teach us, even with the best of intentions, and how we un-learn those lessons to become happy adults.

A true, poignant and hilarious story told by a likeable, relatable and very funny comedian.

Martin Walker


Podcast interview with John Meager

Image by Rebecca Need-Menear

Tickets HERE

Reviews of John Meagher: Big Year collated by the British Comedy Guide HERE

John’s Profile HERE

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