Grubby Little Mitts, is a sketch comedy show written and starring Rosie Nicholls and Sullivan Brown. The show is Directed by Jon Gracey and produced by Vivienne Egan. We join Rosie, Sully and Jon in a Fringe bar, for a fun half hour of improv comedy and chat that you won’t hear anywhere else. Episode […]
We reported yesterday that the Edinburgh Fringe Society has axed their popular mobile phone booking app. Many Fringe performers reacted angrily. The decision also drew criticism from venues, critics, and Fringe goers. Link: Fringe App Axed Link: Opinion: Don’t just blame the Fringe Society for the absence of the apps this year In response, Fringe […]
The Edinburgh Festival Fringe has quietly announced that their popular mobile phone booking app for has been axed. The announcement came on Twitter on June 30, as part of a thread discussing the relocation of the Fringe Hub, Fringe Central. For most Fringe performers, the tweet was the first they’d heard of it. According to […]
Edinburgh Fringe hub, Fringe Central, has moved from the university to at St James Quarter. Located in the heart of the city, “the new Fringe Central hub will deliver a tailored programme of activity for artists, industry and media, led by the Fringe Society team during the festival” according to the Fringe Society. The Fringe […]
Sarah Callaghan is storming back to the Soho Theatre on 7-9th July. “It’s a show about embracing your past, understanding how it’s shaped you and revolting against society’s expectations. There’s also some dick jokes, some music, some poems, and cunt is said a few times so there’s something for everyone.” Get Tickets Here
Edinburgh’s newest festival will put deaf performers and audiences centre stage Leaders from the arts, business, charity and politics have welcomed the new Edinburgh Deaf Festival. Unique in Scotland and the rest of the UK, the performing arts festival, which runs from 12 – 19 August, will be a celebration of deaf culture, language and […]
Leading comedy website is hosting the Chortle Fast Fringe this summer According to Chortle, Arthur Smith (pictured) will be hosting “a jam-packed showcase of 28 comedy and variety acts heading to the Edinburgh Festival” at the Bloomsbury Theatre on July 7. The gig is highly recommended by On the Mic. “It offers a snapshot of […]
TikTok becomes first Virtual Stage Partner of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe TikTok and the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society have announced an exclusive new partnership that will see the entertainment platform become the first Official Virtual Stage to the world’s premier performing arts festival. In celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the […]