Awkward Sex… and the City with Natalie Wall - On The Mic

Show:         Awkward Sex... and the City with Natalie Wall
Venue:        Just the Tonic at the Caves
Time:         9.40pm
Dates:        4th - 28th August (not 15th, 22nd)
Photographer: Mike Bry
Links:        Instagram   Twitter   Website   Facebook   Podcast


Please tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show,

Awkward Sex… and the City is exactly what it sounds like: hilariously sex-infused stories, packed into an hour show, breaking barriers about sex and dating, all while making you laugh hysterically. The show pairs sexual inclusion with humor and sheds light on the awkward universal experience we all know and love.
Awkward Sex is about taking taboo subjects and creating a safe space for people to feel seen and heard. From cocaine infused one night stands to IBS flairs up during cunnilingus, your audience will be hanging on the performers’ every word and excited to go out and have a sexual misadventure of their own.


What is the attraction of performing at the Edinburgh Fringe?
It’s so exciting to get to say, I’ve produced and performed a full run at the world’s largest arts festival! And also getting to make younger me proud. Edinburgh Fringe is definitely super daunting, and I feel like I should be so nervous and scared, but I have never been more excited in my life! (Except for my wedding which is like, a week before Ed Fringe.) And also Scotland! What an amazing reason to visit and experience Scotland!


Who inspires you?
Oh goodness. That’s a great question. My fiancé, soon to be husband. He loves so fiercely and makes the people around him feel safe and seen, which is so important (for me at least) when it comes to the creative process. Hell, he was 1000% okay with Edinburgh Fringe as our honeymoon! Ophira Eisenberg, too! She is a brilliant storyteller and comedian that is so unafraid of her experiences or what people think. And I have a feeling, a lot of people going to fringe are about to inspire me.


Are there other shows you want to check out during the Fringe? What are they?

Oh man, can I say all of them?! I’m so sad I won’t be able to see them all. I’m super excited to see Sam Morrison’s “Sugar Daddy” and Pleasance and Marcia Belsky’s show “Man and Woman” at Assembly!


What should the audience expect?

Be prepared to laugh! And know this is truly a safe space. I am here to shed light on how awkward and funny sex is. I want to show people that being awkward isnt a bad thing. Really, it’s what makes us human and that we all have that in common.  And I promise, I don’t pick on or call out the audience. (That’s my worst nightmare as an audience member… I would never). My main goal is to give people a safe space to think back on their past experiences and be like you know what, sex is weird… and that is amazing!


Tickets:  Awkward Sex… and the City with Natalie Wall

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