Blunderland - On The Mic

Show:          Blunderland
Venue:         Underbelly Circus Hub on the Meadows
Time:          9:55pm
Dates:         5th to 27th Aug (not 15th, 22nd)         
Photographer:  Jacinta Oaten
Links:         Instagram   Twitter   Website   Facebook   Tickets


Please tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show,

Blunderland is an unhinged queer variety show with tons of circus, burlesque, drag, and cabaret!! We are all about glamor and disaster, we are the party that your parents told you not to go to, we are the bad kids. Blunderland was started 10 years ago by a bunch of club kids, circus performers, and sex workers in the underground gay club and rave scene in NYC but this latest cast is all Australian performers. We aim to shock and surprise and make you laugh and possibly turn you on a little bit. We have aerial tradesmen, a disastrous jump roper, a singing condom, a rave ready handstander, a stripper full of opinions, and a series of very hysterical numbers involving a girl and a toilet. You have to see it to believe it.


What is the attraction of performing at the Edinburgh Fringe?

The Fringe has always been a huge goal of ours, this is our first year performing at the Fringe as a group. For us this is a huge opportunity to meet with our fellow artists, be inspired, and show our hard and hysterical work off to new audiences and industry folks. We couldn’t be more excited. And to get this opportunity in SUCH a BEAUTIFUL city is just wonderful.


Who inspires you?

Hmmmm Long long list but a few key ones from Eric Schmalenberger Blunderlands founder, artistic director, and host… First off THE MUPPETS!! then Taylor Mac, Machine Dazzle, Christeene, Kembra Pfahler,  the boys from BRIEFS FACTORY, Meow Meow, Reuben Kaye, Julie Atlas Muz, Tash York, Jess Love, Adrienne Truscott, Justin Elizabeth Sayre, Stella Rose Saint Claire, Milo Harthill, Lady Rizo, AVAF, Trixie Minx, Muffinhead, Darrell Thorne, my club family at House of Yes, and my boyfriend Rob!!


Are there other shows you want to check out during the Fringe?

Head First Acrobats, Tina Del Twist, Briefs SWEAT SHOP, Lottie Platchett Took A Hatchett MASTERCLASS, Reuben Kaye The Butch is Back


What is your moto?

Nonsense is good and no sense is better.

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