James Crampton - On The Mic

Show:                James Crampton: Natural Disaster                 
Venue:               Surgeon’s Hall @ SpaceUK Theatre 2             
Time:                10:15pm                    
Dates:               15th - 27th August              
Photographer:        Gill Short
Links:               Profile and Social Media        



Please tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show.

Natural Disaster is a stand-up show all about living with dyspraxia, and how my life is, at it’s core, one gigantic face plant.


What is the attraction of performing at the Edinburgh Fringe?

Living in the city, I find it to be really beautiful, and one of the most unique cities in the world, and the Edinburgh Fringe is part of that. Just having so many performers in one place, and the sheer sense of fun and play that come from it, is brilliant.


Who inspires you?

Three people come to mind. The first is Eddie Izzard, she is absolutely hilarious and why I love absurd humour so much. The second is Tommy Cooper, I learnt about him when I first looked into stand-up as a career, and love all his mannerisms and how he doesn’t even need to say anything to be funny. And finally, the most important is my Gran. She instilled in me a love of all things fun, goofy and silly, and without her I’d be a completely different person.


Are there other shows you want to check out during the Fringe? What are they?

Yes. I make a habit of always trying to see ‘Murder She Didn’t Write’ by Degrees of Error. They’re fantastically funny and quick witted, and improv masters.


Finally, ask and answer a question of your own.

If you had to be a fruit, which fruit would you be and why.

I’d be a pear, cause they’re always in a fruit bowl, but nobody ever picks one out, so I’d get to chill in a fruit bowl for the rest of my life.

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