Kiri Pritchard-McLean - On The Mic

Show:                Kiri Pritchard-McLean: Home Truths
Venue                Monkey Barrel 3
Time:                7.05pm
Dates:               3rd – 28th August
Photographer:        Drew Forsyth
Links:               Profile and Social Media


Hi Kiri. Please tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show, Home Truths.

Home Truths is a show that looks at really big subjects that are affecting the world right now and I talk a lot about colonialism but also chicken nuggets and skinny jeans because I’m nothing if not a woman of the people.


Tell me about The Covid Arms.

The Covid Arms was an online comedy gig that started as a daft experiment and then ended up raising £150, 000 for The Trussell Trust, setting a Guinness World Record and paid thousands to out of work comedians and musicians. I think it’s the thing I’m proudest of in comedy – sorry Tarot.


It says here that you have rescue chickens. Is that a thing?

To be clear, they’re chickens rescued from a battery farm that were going to be gassed, they don’t rescue people. I’d be pretty annoyed if I broke my leg on a Duke of Edinburgh Award trip up Ben Nevis and 3 straggly chickens rocked up to rescue me.


Tell me about the podcasts, All Killa No Filla and Who Are You Wearing?

All Killa No Filla is all about serial killers and Who Are You Wearing is all about fashion – my two greatest passions.

Maybe in a dream world they’ll be a cross over episode but historically fashionistas haven’t been criminals – if you’re willing to overlook their latest passion for crocs.


Finally, ask and answer a question of your own.

Hi Kiri, what shows would you recommend at the fringe? 

I’m glad you asked! Mine and mine alone.


Tickets:                Kiri Pritchard-McLean: Home Truths

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