Nick Coyle - On The Mic

Nick Coyle is an Australian writer, director and performer. He arrives at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe as part of an alternative comedy package produced by the London Comedy club The Invisible Dot. If your favourite acts are Simon Munnery, Josie Long and Stewart Lee, The Dot is where you go to watch your comedy.

My show is a tribute to my dead girlfriend Jenny. Sounds fun, right? Right! It’s a journey of sexual awakening and grief. I honour her memory with dance, poetry, cookery, and jokes.”

Tell us about your involvement with The Invisible Dot.

“This is the first time I’ve worked with The Invisible Dot, but they have a mad rep, which is Australian for ‘great reputation,’ so I’m really excited that they’re producing me. Everyone they work with is a legend and they have a great website, so I feel like that’s all I need to know.

How do you describe your comedy to people who haven’t seen you before?

“I describe my comedy as a glowing combo of jokes, meta theatre and high NRG dance. Other people describe my comedy as lo fi and quirky but those people are numbskulls. My intention is to create something funny and moving, like a chicken in a neck brace.”

For you is stand-up a career choice or a calling – and why?

“It’s a career choice. My calling is the internet. But comedy is so lucrative and easy and not at all emotionally confronting, I just do it on the side for kicks and cash.”

If you were curating a stand up show for television, who would be your guests?

“Claudia O’Doherty, Maria Bamford, Kristen Schaal, and Maeve Higgins.”

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