Ryan Wingfield - On The Mic

Show:         Ryan Wingfield: Trophy Husband              
Venue:        Just the Tonic at the Grass Market, the Little Kirk 
Time:         7:20pm                       
Dates:        4th -28th  August (Not the 15th)                    
Photographer: Andrew Perry
Links:        Profile and Social Media    


Please tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show,

I’ve been performing comedy professionally for almost two decades, but when not on stage I am a full-time stay-at-home Dad.  My show focuses primarily on the challenges of that family life experience, but also includes acclaimed bits on international language and anagrams that is unlike any other show at the Fringe and must been seen live to fully appreciate.


What do you think of Edinburgh?

I’ve been lucky to call Edinburgh my home for the past three years, but thanks to Covid this is the first chance I’ll have an opportunity to perform a proper Fringe show.  I can’t wait to take the stage to show my adoptive hometown (as well as audiences from around the world) what I can do.


Who inspires you?

Professionally, I’ve had many inspirations over the years.  As a child, I was raised on the humour of Bill Cosby and Bob Newhart.  In my early career I was drawn toward cleaner high energy comedians like Brian Regan and Jim Gaffigan.  However, my biggest inspirations today come from some of my fellow comedians who most people have never heard of, but who are still successfully pursuing their dreams while maintaining a loving family.  That’s the kind of person that I want to be.


Are there other shows you want to check out during the Fringe?

I’ll be checking out several of my fellow comedians such as Gareth Waugh, while also taking my kids to several of the kid friendly circus and science shows.  Hopefully my wife and friends can also catch some of the Cabaret shows in the evening.


Finally, ask and answer a question of your own.

Why have I never heard of you?

One of my favourite questions that I often get asked after a successful show.  For starters many of the funniest comedians I know have never broken through to significant fame or followings.  Personally, that’s never been a problem for me because it was never my goal as a comedian.  I’ve been able to do a job I love for over 17 years.  It doesn’t always pay well, but it has provided me an intellectual challenge and an opportunity to travel the world in ways that the average person never gets to experience.  At the same time, I’m very proud of the family life that I have at home.  It’s something that very few people in my industry are able to have.  In short, I don’t need fame to consider myself a success.  Although a few more subscribers on my social media wouldn’t hurt…

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