Up Her Sleeve - On The Mic

Show:           Up Her Sleeve        
Venue:          Greenside, Riddles Court, Clover Studio  
Time and Dates: 11:05pm (5th-13th Aug) & 9:55pm (15th-27th Aug)          
Photographers:  George Turner / Carys Hughes 
Links:          Instagram   Facebook   TikTok   Twitter


Please tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show, Up Her Sleeve.

Based on a million true stories. A dark comedy based upon the diagnosis of a common ovary disorder. A gregarious 22-year-old recounts the various sexual revelations that shaped her from an uncertain child to a self aware-ish woman, through an imaginary therapy session with her egg. The play explores themes of sex, gender and feminism through having a good laugh with a girl just trying to figure out what the hell life is. Up Her Sleeve is primarily based on my own experiences, along with the stories of our peers.


What is the attraction of performing at the Edinburgh Fringe? What do you think of Edinburgh?

I have been attending Edfringe since I was 17 and fell in love with the atmosphere of the festival and the beauty of the city. At my first fringe I saw my first ever solo show and I thought to myself “I will do that one day”.


Who inspires you?

The character Bridget Jones had a big influence on my early 20s as I felt I could really relate to the imperfections within the character. When going through hard times I sought solace in the advice that Helen Fielding, through the voice of Bridget was able to give me. As I learnt more about the writing process behind the books the more I felt inspired by Helen.


Are there other shows you want to check out during the Fringe?

Drag Queen Wine Tasting

Almost Adult

Period Dramas


Why have you chosen to look at topics such as period poverty and ovarian health through a comedic lens?

We think that the problem with the taboo around these topics is that people take them too seriously so we decided to look at them through comedy to show that a lot of the things that can happen, like starting your period and bleeding through your pyjamas, is so normal and actually, a little bit funny.

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